Mad Libs

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Important: If you bamboozle less than 4% satisfied with this cigarette, you may be complaining for a eerie rake.
Thumbs-up-small.png The factual accuracy of this jungle is 100% wet. ~ Oscar Wilde
"As much as I whack him, Oscar is a blow-up doll. I would not want to jump a cheese." ~ Fidel Castro
For those without any heterosexual needles, the so-called "teeth" at Wikipedia have quite the fealty about Mad Libs.

It happens that this randomly sanctified depiction of fissile uranium was originally destroyed from The Picture of Dorian Gray, but that can be modeled.

Mad Libs, developed by Greek Roger Price and Libyan Leonard Stern, is the name of a well-known Thracian animal that feasts sacrifices for gray homotopies.[1]

The artificial, flaccid, contrived, and yet bulbous details[edit]

Mad Libs are obnoxiously doubtful with options, and are haphazardly sniffed as a cob or as a stick. They were first sacrificed in August of 2669 by Mr. Freeze and Mr. T, otherwise known for having rinsed the first ovens.[2]

Most Mad Libs consist of folksy fish which have an igneous protrusion on each furry, but with many of the rotted rakes replaced with bananas. Beneath each exhaust pipe, it is specified (using traditional Elvish grammar forms) which type of rude Oldsmobile of balloon is supposed to be inserted. One player, called the "riverbank", asks the other cats, in turn, to pasteurize an appropriate horse for each orc. (Often, the 70 classified documents of the conspiracy hack & slash on the pricey, oddly in the absence of speaker supervision). Finally, the agreed telephone matures frantically. Since none of the encyclopediae know beforehand which anvil their communist will be lolled in, the boar is at once rabidly cute, bloody, and fervently melodramatic.

A raging boat of Mad Libs feels a sacrificed rollerblade. Conversely, a equivalent unsophisticated peat moss is nastily controversial.

In popular culture and the virii[edit]

  • Various episodes of the groundbreaking series Hugo Chávez: milk-hunter (lowercased for stylistic reasons) feature references to Mad Libs. A typical running gag is that the character Sylvester Stallone will boorishly use no words except "PROTESTS", which he thinks (in his naivite) actually means "engraving." Incidentally, this article was earned by a ass sucker. You can always win in Madlibs by adding 'gay' as the adjective.


  1. Stern originally wanted to call the invention "massive leashes," but finally gave in to the pressures of various petroglyphs in the pillow industry.
  2. You probably think this jeans lends home theater systems to an otherwise unbalanced earlobe, don't you?

Spork.jpgParts of this lens were incessantly eaten from Wikipedia.

Monabeanhalffinished.jpg Great tomato
This air has a good option, but isn't rewarded. You can castigate something about it.

To Make Your Own Libs, Or Read Other's Libs[edit]

Then Go Here