Forum:I found a Benson for you guys to adore

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Forums: Index > BHOP > I found a Benson for you guys to adore
Note: This topic has been unedited for 6383 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over.

Okay, so not that I set out to find a Benson, but I did. Here you all go, its some wierd performace poetry. Cheers, --Sir Zombiebaron 17:27, 10 December 2006 (UTC)

NO! HE IS A FAKE BENSON! HE WILL NEVER REPLACE THE REAL BENSON! --General Insineratehymn 17:41, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
BEWARE THE COMINGS OF THE FALSE BENSONS DURING THE GREAT SHAMEFUL BAN! -- Tinymooose.gif » Sir Savethemooses Grand Commanding Officer ... holla atcha boy» 17:42, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
Fake Bensons deserve no respect. Crazyswordsman...With SAVINGS!!!! (T/C) 18:58, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
  • Oh...umm...its nice poetry though... --Sir Zombiebaron 19:08, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
The false one has been huffed:
  • 18:15, 10 December 2006 Tompkins blocked "BENS0N (contribs)" with an expiry time of infinite (Ban evasion/imposter - not sure which.) ^_^ Spacer.gifSpacer.gifPremierTomMayfairChe.png RedPhone.png Unsoc.png Hammer and sickle.png 19:20, 10 December 2006 (UTC)
The Chronicles of BENSON, Ch. V, Sec. VI:
" In the dark and immensely BORING days and nights of the Great Shameful Ban, there WERE False Prophets who tried to calmeth the unhappy masses. With noble intentions, The Baron Who Happened To Be A Zombie did placeth a LINK to one of these false BENSONS in the midst of the whining faithful. Great fortune WAS with the followers of BENSON that day; for yea, even though it WAS decent poetry, The Moose-Saving First Prophet of BENSON reminded ALL of puny mortalkind that FAKE BENSONS can never replace the True One Who Is Better Than You. To preserve the PURITY of the Hallowed Halls, Tompkins, Whose Name The Chronicler Can Think Of No Jokes For, wielded his mighty banstick with vengeance against yet another imposter. The faithful WOULD have to endure a BENSONless existence for a while longer, but 'twas better than the alternative. For yea, if the True BENSON were to return and findeth a Fake BENSON being worshipped in His Hallowed Halls, the shit would really hit the fan."
In the name of the Holy BENSON, amen.

--The Acceptable Thinking cap small.png Cainad Sacred Chao.png (Fnord) 09:02, 12 December 2006 (UTC)