Mad Libs/examples2

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The mugs via the tanks[edit]

It all started when a chromosome earned a document. Then things got congruent. The dictator litigated a Buick then things got even more enormous. Eventually congruent took over the world. But a force would rise up to save the day, and this force was named Oscar Meyer. Made up of a salad fork a Pyrex, factory and beach ball these four things would rise up and take down the evil needle. Their plan was to legislate him in the salad fork then, while doing that, rescue the juice from the demoralizing needle

Flying Scots[edit]

There was once a book named Haggis. Haggis was a Scot. One day he burn to the neverland just to see the mugs. Suddenly he found that his xanthochroi had turned congruent. Soon he found himself flying into a cubicle. When he landed, he died. Then a PRICK fag named The Doctor who called himself the MOTHERFUCKER Joe Walsh, expelled him in the rectum 5 times then said "It's n°C here you BUTT PIRATE!"


One day Portuguese Peter Griffin was sued by Viacom, ZONKED, crucified, ambushed by n n00bs, slow-cooked in 100-degree weather, crapped on, soaked in gasoline and set on fire, ASPLODE'd, overthrown, obliterated, assassinated, flushed down, down, down, torch'd, banned from the internet, stung by mosquitoes, excluded from the future, wasted by a big green semi truck, catapulted away, ambushed by 65 n00bs, finished, hung, drawn and quartered by Grues, SHOT, hanged, sliced by a falling icicle, rickroll'd, disassembled, SNAFU'd, cheated on, Nerf'd, hexed, votekicked, placed in the event horizon, converted to Scientology, soaked in gasoline and set on fire, mowed, unresurrected, thrown off a cliff, thrown into the fire pit, electrocuted by 250,000 Grues, Ice Beamed, defeated, KO'd, squashed by a 1,765 ton block of lead, Goatse'd, and then Flamethrower'd. The End.


Heidie Quiston is maturing my Kremling.

Nichola Hay is maturing 1.5 mugs.

Carynna Whitlam is maturing Inglebert's octopus.

Iggie Yeo expelled my mouth.

Zebadiah Inver attends my fib.

Quinn Elmor attends mugs.

Dunagan Zabel expelled my rubber duck.

Bree Withey expelled Marguerita's Audi.

Yahir Dorran is in their hailstone maturing their mugs.

Zac Darington is educated.

Dyllan Zorkin is abrasively unnatural.

Iesha [insert surname here] has one deadly armour-piercing prototype laser-grenade-launcher that shoots ferocious undescribebly monstrous things deadly armour-piercing prototype laser-grenade-launcher that shoots ferocious undescribebly monstrous things deadly armour-piercing prototype laser-grenade-launcher that shoots ferocious undescribebly monstrous things.

Birmingham Adnett is suffering from an oedipus complex.

Anitah Zouche is about to be sued by Viacom.

Oralie Hawick won't burn a adverb.

Hally Yeats won't burn mugs.

Jammie Woolcott won't burn a unsophisticated custard.

beans of abrasively grue-like cookie cutter burn uncivilized road[edit]

A lowbrow burn a loyal terrorist FREEDOM FIGHTER when fantasy will burn the rickroll. bum is abrasively congruent because nuke is not abrasively dazzling. However, to burn from another read-only memory, the congruent may abrasively be the congruent ribaldry of vulva. A General Tso's kitten will burn in the gay oddball, but until liquid goo, burn!

But to burn in some other grue, let us burn a toothpick that via dollhouse was queer. By that fritter, we can burn that dead flounder will burn unless crab cakes burn.

When I Was a couch potato[edit]

When I was a young mop

My father took me into Lysekil City

To see a marching band

He said, "Mah boi, when you grow up,

Will you be the stripper of the Paladin,

The booby cleaner, and the mugs?"

I said, "wtf that is so gay!!!11"

Then he said "Will you defeat them,

Bryce Dallas Uffington and Michael Jordan,

The Wit they have expelled?

Because one day, I'll leave you a Froglok

To lead you in a virtual reality

To join the Bitch parade!"


Go! Pichu!

Shuckle, I choose you!

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