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UnNews Editorial:Get these people to host SNL

LIVE FROM New York... After a successful grassroots Facebook campaign to get her to host, Golden Girl Betty White’s Saturday Night Live episode drew monster ratings of 8.8 million viewers. And at 88. she is the oldest person to ever host the show, beating the record set by then-80-year-old Miskel Spillman.

And she was funny as hell! So, where does Lorne Michaels go from there? Here is a list of people I’d like to see host SNL in the near future.

And Lorne, if you happen to be reading this, take plenty of notes. With our advice, you’re sure to deliver a knockout show week after week after week. If more episodes were like the Betty White event, more people would tune in and watch. Not that the show isn’t funny anymore, because it is. I’m just saying that you could spice up the show with people like this to draw in viewers.

So without any further ado, and in no particular order, I present to you, you, and you -- not you! -- You! -- um, nope -- and you... my picks for the next big SNL host. Wait, I need to piss first, dammit.

(Two minutes later...)

There we go, that's much better. Now, where was I? Ah, yes... here now is my list of potential SNL hosts in the near future. Lorne Michaels, take note... more...