Uncyclopedia:Foreign Office/+English/Useful Phrases for Angry Ad Viewers

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What the advert says... ...and what we say
Mum! Fido escaped! Well, these things will happen if you let a dog inhale helium.
Mum! Fido escaped again! Well as it's raining now, it'll quickly diffuse from his lungs, so he'll be fine.
MuuuuuuuummM! Fido escaped again!" No he hasn't Jimmy. He's in the kitchen. I know, because he's humping my leg as we speak"
I got the flu What?! This is the biggest problem when people are rushing to save a burning coach?!
I do not like the Christmas gift? Bring it to us becseréljük phone! I want to see the seller face girl, when the four landfills in front hupilila dildo ...
So far, five different detergents are used. But it's a miracle! " Aggregated. The five housewives pearl is the same brand of detergent used. One of the edge of one of the rúzsfoltoknak the cabinet, one of the ....
All is full of dirt! There is, for example, the borfolt! Who is the idiot who has a white blouse, the red filled in by itself?
Náthás was. You electricity megállóbeli geese, do not look to read?
I could not talk. Good times were.
Is very smelly! Baby, no more cola Tormás bread!
| I really jumped into the shopping mall to wait for an hour and a half to dry the clothes. If you do not come out of the dinner he leeszem myself and start all over again ...
Sikáltam and sikáltam and just past the end sikáltam and burnt milk .... Maybe it's not stupid to read women's magazines, but there should be boiling when the addition of milk.
A boy is always full of dirt, mud, and fűfolt. Megjegyeznénk modestly, that the lad will not be released to the open air, until they learned to walk normally.
Do you know why I chose D. ..- t J The pay you the most.
Ten fogorvosból six recommends this toothpaste. The other four patients already have.
Why not use the washing powder? Yeah, I was 5 kg mosóporral go and stay.
Dig for your phone! Are you stupid? Odaástam the mother-in-law too!
This dog eats all szárazeledelt. Except for you, at home.
On the left side of the traditional shirt mosóporral now, for the right shirt and ... ... kicseréltétek.
What's on your checks bankunkban incinerated. No one appeared to be that in the bank, the fire alarm does not work?
Gorged my nose. Use a drain. The label for all eliminates constipation.
Only for you! Only now! Only with us! " Only Die ...
A solution was found in the bran! Megkopaszodtatok?
What does it change? " The műsoridőtöket ...
The information is not exhaustive. The detailed kondíciókért go to a. .. As long as the mouth torn, even You could have told me that the 3.5 %* hitelkamatból how, after the recording was 43.5%?
I'm done with the X college. I am a director. Szerepelsz So you're not in this for the money in advertising?
Slide down! Üvöltöztél If you do not have the top of the mountain, I have not been carried out by the avalanche itself.
When I cook for the family, always use it in a fantastic drug. Which is not to be, if you are not allowed in the house once a Snow White Evil mostoháját.
I'm Hungary is always on the zsírpusztítót use. To be, but not in Hungary or girl, so I only get back on the table next to!
We now come to the fiesta? Well, if I show you the girl on the Italian fiestámat!
Desperately filthy ovens! " But what did you do? She blew up a miserable Thanksgiving turkey? Not interested in a job offer Guantanamo? We see clearly understand the tortured prisoners of war!
  • I really think that you have used it only as much of the fat mass? What follows from this power at the time?
  • Okay, while the number of male and tapogatás szemin print out in the dark, pussycat?
Joe, that changed after high school! " Yeah, I have since called Yanina. Would you like chocolate?
Eat this one pukipukkasztó bogyóból before beülsz to the movies! " But why? At least we do not meet me!
| If anything belecseppentesz in this dish, it klopfolót show you what the cattle do agyonvágni.
The other kids are always hanging above the internet! " Lóghatna is higher ... You know, this is not the same in the next Jancsika children, who are always all kinds of stupid reasons plasztikvackot should take, because it already has?
Amellékhatásoktekintetében kérdezzemegorvosát vagygyógyszerészét. What's up, hurry up somewhere?
Read the section apróbetűs. Reveal that the electron microscopes a scart connector to be connected to the screen?
Someone elhozhatná mother smelly shoes. If eltelefonáltatok each other, it is a car for the elküldhettetek have cipőért ...
The match is very sweet. You ever bekenni he fülzsírral?
This is the cream remove wrinkles at face. Britney Spears, then why do not you use? If you are using, why not use him?
Every time I go to the kitchen, a domestic kipurcan widgets. Do not go to the kitchen. Cheaper.
Well, it works, it is what I bought on credit. Until tomorrow, when You 'il ruin it again, and you may purchase a third.
Hello, who is playing with me? The symbol set.
If you take antibiotics again in !!! It will be terrible consequences, like you?
This is a wonderful ízfokozóban it all, a good lunch is required. The abrasives as well? So then after lunch, the roasted elmosogatja itself?
I have a headache. Are you look bad. Take a little bit of fresh air. Wait, to help open the door of a helicopter ...
Past headache! Okay, you may also remember that only the left side of a real mountain, is not it?
You should get something. Bírsz It's not you? At least you can wait until the pilot landed on the helicopter!
Dübörgéstől That hurts my head! " So now disable rotorokat, only the pleasure you!
Look ten years younger, this krémtől! If you can not be junky model would be to look ten years younger!
Hello? Ááááááá! Please wait for the operator. New Balance: Press the frog on the left eye, hearing the voice mail: Pull back on the right hind leg ...
Hi  ! I just want to spoil it.
Yes, you got it! " Oh, advertising.
What can I do to dry after cleaning the window stripes are not in Masonry.
Broke the TV. The neighbor to look at. He recommended the Bank. Today, the neighbor came over to watch TV. The Bank took the tévéjét.
Q10 Q11! I overcame!
I thought ... not even think of suicide?
This is the dog took the csokimat! Let that be a sign of unpacked chocolate in your pocket? Applicants for a nice mosóporreklám főszerepére what?
This bitch will help you there. I have helped a whole week ...
Use of this pain! " Therefore, the poor old man has the balls to be inserted into the esernyőddel?
It came to me ... It is still not clear: he is working at the bank? If so, the bank says a lot. If not, why has not acquired a distancing order for this goose? "
The parrot will fly, and you cancel. Debilke, he invented the dictaphones and motor courier.
Can the excavators of the game! " Why, it was not a truck?
What would be the elimination ... when you finally eliminálnád the képernyőmről few fájdalomcsillapítóval box?
Ever since the new ráncerősítőt taking just skip to the highest pultokat Police also ! [[]]! Will the bankrablóóóó!
Oh, my dear, I just bent down to kulcscsomójáért. Just do not give rise to the bakugró aa champion <ref> noticed that after a moment of slaughter, the only backs to show ugrásnál </ ref>, because it will not be able to resist the temptation to skip a good aunt!
Em-er-a Kossuth The power of repetition.
The Fishermen can buy a bank loan! " I'd rather put that money aside in the mental kezelésetekre.
Óvodásjelöltek Small óvodánkba to look at the open day! " If you can read, you kinőtték in kindergarten, if not, then it would not be able to read, eh?
Hours of the fly away. What would be a few sip innál to reklámitalból, which gives wings? Then after a period repülhetnél ...
Mom! Look what <ref> No, not chocolate, just like all the normal pre-school, but many ízfokozóval sachet köretizét. </ Ref> I have! Getting smarter, or child, if you are such a large bag, you can steal from the store. Now go back and steal a lot of dough.
Bye-bye wrinkles! Trenches Hi!
Real pulykamellből made! Why did the chicken breast is still there? Gumipulyka, szilikonmellel? <ref> The műpulyka műmelle. </ ref>
Weddings were organized. I really see a pair of white socks behind the chair arm terítve?
Against the high inflation of the yogurt. Why, the famous medicine is not used?
Two weeks ago, only drink. Where to go? The Alkoholistákhoz Anonymous or Anonymous Joghurtizálókhoz?
You do not have to! You do not have to! " What does not need to be? Refrain?
baby you? Eat vitamin! | This may be pregnant soon? Below will be the brasserie, if he did not come together.
This is a revolutionary tool in the bread! " Aurora! Well, it was a revolutionary tool!
The szépségért be said to suffer . ... Quasimodo Eszmerandának and rolled another one for the wheel.
Leforgatunk ten advertising! Ten! " It would be once you leforgatni. The mill wheel blades are connected.
Stipa-stop, Stipa-stop ... Well, yes, would be better if you would stop.
This is proof, not promises! " But
Use of the washing powder, which I received from you! You know that thebackunopened package?
'I asked, not to fly more. Killer. I do not buy more nyuszis magazine. Vukost se.
Csokikrém spot! End of the new clothes! " Spermafolt! End of the szüzességemnek!
Who's gull? Who is the seagull? Who is the gull receive the following from the pingpongasztallal ...
Who's gull? Who is the seagull? Puff. Who is the seagull? Beep-beep. Did you hear the toot? "You're not the pingpongütővel, but the car will disappear reklámszakmából ...
See? Iderajzoltam that 70% of the bowels of immunity. Do what you will receive the unokaöcsédtől if you realize that összefirkáltad the drawing?
Bunny! [[]]! Carp lakáskölcsönből only one of the famous studio műeges run, housing is not it?
So, those who eat chocolate, you will not see that a gap is coming from?
Wedding! Wedding! Vadászpuskára! Vadászpuskára!
There is still some bones? Eat a lot of calcium! " The Federation of Hungarian Vesekőbányászok recommendation.
Fesztiválunkat is supported by the local funeral company.
  • But what? Ensure that the coffins Free!
  • Why so dangerous? Performance also will be truck?
What is twice as effective as the Q20, the Q10 ? ... perhaps?
Then, Beckham comes in a grassy planet beat the taxis, átpasszolja Ronaldinonak, who hit the ball into the forest, and then step into ... ... the farkascsapdák one of which landed them ...
Use of hair dyes, and with life in the hair! " Okay, so give the tetűirtót desk service?
Now, all students Siklóstól Edelényi a renovated school. Yes, but only left out, that it is now siklósiak Edelényi the school ...
Our country can avail themselves of these opportunities! Agent Mulder szinkronhangján Then why advertise it? The truth is out there, perhaps?
Take a bike! We have a bike! " Little girl, because they were born in Chernobyl, still does not automatically have a bike.
From the borotvától arcboot will be a smooth as a babapopsi! I can not say that a farkaskölyöké!
It is a fantastic, yet much leborotvált! Well, what to do, and getting three fingers, you genius!
There are still 59 EUR! It seems to me that the distance from the desk top and fedőfólia over the years megfeleződött.
Same as karma! Girl, you're weak or great professional!
How to end the H key Momento to disable the TV.
Yes! Here you go! Here you go!
Thanks! Thanks! Thank you! "
nyád)) to ((C | nyád)) to ((C |)) nyád!
This is a tampon is like a pinball. See how it deals with one ball? " I am glad that there is no male version ...